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Bad Review


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I while ago, i submitted chapter one of a fan novel in to worldofmi. since then i've submited half of chapter 2, but that's irrelevent.


about a week after chapter one was uploaded onto the site, a got a bad review of my story. i can handle bad reviews, as that can be expected for any writer. i was just wandering if any of you felt the same. most of the things this person said i agree with so some extent but some things i wasn't too sure on. so i ask you to read my novel (please note, his review was only for chapter one adn he had not read the any of chapter two yet and so his review wasn't based on any of chapter two) and tell me what you think. also, if you can read his rweview and tell me if you agree with any part of it. be brutally honest as that's how i can develop and become a better writer. thank you. here's my novel.

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