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Gengiken's Query #1: Future of SWG


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We can all agree this game will rock from release...hopefuly. Question is how long will you be playing the game some people have been dreaming of since they saw the first movie when they were kids. In this Query, Gengiken asks you........


[*]How long do you expect to play Star Wars Galaxies?

[*]How long do you think this game will last.

[*]What expansions do you expect after the SE?

[*]What races do you think will be added along?


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1. A long time since there are a ton of things to do (I'm gonna save being a Jedi for last just in case I'm losing interest so it'll add a spark.)


2. The game will last for maybe 7 or 8 years is my estimate since I think it will be immensly popular and good expansions will come out.


3. Well Space expansion of course. :D Maybe one that will add around 10 new worlds such a Coruscant. I also expect one where people can appoint a Galactic Senate or something. And maybe one on the reign of the Empire. :D (Thats a ton of stuff lol)


4. Hmm. Chiss, Hutts (I think they will become playable), Bothan (I don't know if this is already in there lol). There are a lot more I just can't think of em lol. Also I expect droids to become playable. (Such as Bounty Hunter droids)



Just my $0.02 :D

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I plan on playing the game until the devs cycle through the entire series. I am a SW fan, but I've never gone too far beyond the movies (read some of the books, but never really followed the stories). I'm gonna use this interaction with peeps to get all my SW lore down.

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1. As long as I don't get Carpel Tunnel syndrome.


2. As long as everyone doesn't get Carpel Tunnel syndrome.


3. Well, the SE isn't that big of a deal for me. I am more of a feet on solid ground sort of guy, flying through space in an X-Wing isn't my idea of fun.


4. Hmm Don't know.....I would love to play this game as a Krayt Dragon, or as a Rancor...but doubt that will happen. :)

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1. Probably for 2-4 years at least until I (a) run out of money or (b) something else catches my attention.


2. The Devs said 5 years (do I get a prize considering I'm the first one that said that) Although with SE and maybe other X-packs I'm sure it will last longer, as long as the Devs don't flop.


3. Hmm..that's hard one. Hopefully, one with larger buildings and capital ships! :D and will increase the size of each planet considerably!


4. Realistically speaking, Gungans, and a few of the smaller ones from the Prequels. Hopefully droids, giving up being FS for a faster way to level up!

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1) How long I play will all depend on the first month of gaming... It seems like it's going to be great, looks impressive, but... I suppose it's much like a woman- you never really know until you actually spend every waking hour with it for several days on end ;P *waits for a furious resposnse from the female population*


Seriuosly tho, if I like it, I'm very likely to play for several years if they keep the expansions coming. I hate to think of it in terms of years though, because I cant help adding up what I will have spent at the end of 3 or 4 years......lol


2) I would imagine that this game will have an active following for a minimum of 5 years based on my experience with other mmorpg's


3) I realy dont know what to expect after SE


4) Don't know enough about other races to make an educated guess...



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