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Ah! Repetive JO!


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There's a RichDiesal Tutorial which talks about using the surface inspector to Fit the texture to the surface. Just run a find on the above link for "But what about those repeating textures" and you'll find it.


If you need help beyond that then you're beyond the meager assistance I could offer. :nut:


:gben: The Force will be with you, always.

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I can see a repetitive texture on the walls.


It looks like you are using a texture that is much smaller than your wall.


The surface inspector (s) can stretch it to fit, but it won't look so good.


I recommend finding a larger texture, or one that isn't so obvious when the pattern repeats.

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Originally posted by Dragarius

I can see a repetitive texture on the walls.


It looks like you are using a texture that is much smaller than your wall.


The surface inspector (s) can stretch it to fit, but it won't look so good.


I recommend finding a larger texture, or one that isn't so obvious when the pattern repeats.


True, but if you ask me, the repetition looks like bricks. If you want it to look like bricks, then mission accomplished.


If you don't want it to look like bricks, then Dragarius here is definitely right. Find a larger texture, or even make a larger texture.


:gben:The Force will be with you, always.

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The fit command usually comes out distorted, but for an indoor yavin level I'm working on, I found that manually adjusting the strech and shift of the textures will come out well. I got a stair trim to look great as a wall. That really does not look like the proper size for that texture anyway. Just use the surface inspector and adjust it untill it looks right.

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This probably has nothing to do with the editor and texture properties...

My guess, is that during compile, sof2map can't find the textures.. But the game can... This will lead you with these odd effects in your map...


Find the junk.txt file, it will be able to tell you if your compiler can't find the shaders correctly...

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The wall is a brick texture; I want it to repeat. The thing is that I don't want it to repeat in such a small size. When I adjusted the stretches in the editor, it looked fine and larger.


Note that every texture in the pic except the ceiling (probably repeats in small size anyway) and the light overhang (no clue why the light texture doesn't go whacky in repetition) is really small therefore repeating a lot. It looks as if every texture is the same scaled size.


I am going to try the "fit" option and eventually compile to see if it has any effect. I don't think I selected fit whenever I did the texturing of all surfaces.


Until then, well, I guess thats it.

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