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How u move from one job to the other


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Ok i'm not sure if i got this right. But ok first i know theres like 8 starting professions.




Scout...and some others


now say i start out as Artist (which i will since i'm good with art in real life) HOW do i move on to the next step?


Cuz IF i got this right if u start out as artist then u have a branch of other profession that come from artist. One i think is the ability to make homes/shops/ and other things, and i think from artist also comes the ability to make droids.


So is this gonna be lets say like The Sims were u start low and when u reach a certain experience point u get promoted?


Ex: Start out artist. i get EX 15 Experience points, now i'm a droid maker. then i reach Ex 25 experience points, now i make buildings.


is that how it goes? or am i way off?


Cuz i'm really excited about this game, but i've never played an RPG online game with jobs and all. So my biggest problem with this game is i dont know how Jobs work in galaxies.


And plz dont send me to a FAQ section, cuz its much better when a person explains it in a basic way. i've read alot of FAQ stuff.


if u can help that'd be great. thanks

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Well, if I am not mistaken what happens is this:


You start out as an artisan, and you get certain low level skills you can do as an artisan. The more you use those skills, the more experience you get and once you hit the peak, more skills become available to you...then you use those skills and get better skills.


As your skill level rises, you get elite professions that branch off of your main skills.



I THINK that is how the system works...someone correct me if I am wrong.




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cool. but i guess what i realy wanna know is this........


Ok u start out as artist then when u reach a certain experience do u get a branch of say 3 other directions u could go? lets say


(Just examples cuz i'm not sure what they've got)

1 Build droids

2 build homes

3 build shops


so u reach a certain level then they give u these 3 options. say u pick build homes. so slowly u able to learn how to build homes better, but u have no knowledge on how to build droids and shops.


OR is everyone who starts out as an artist gonna end up mastering the same final skill?


So instead of PICKING from droids/homes/or shop it would accually be a ladder.


So u start out as a artist then u MOVE onto building droids then when u've mastered that u MOVE onto Home.......then Shops.


so basicly do u branch off and PICK something or do u MOVE onto a more skilled profession?


home i'm saying right. i mean i am Greek. i dont speak a word of english.

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You will be as different as the skills and professions you choose. As far as I can see there may be one or two other players that will have "most" of the same skills as you have on your entire server. What I mean by this is, that everyone will be almost completely different. They will pick different skills on their rise to an Elite profession, they will pick other professions that you, etc.


Say you want to build homes. You look at the skills and base profession to achieve the Architect Profession. The base profession "Artisan" is the same for Architect as it is for Driod Designer, but the skill set to achieve these "Higher" professions will be different. For example "Robotics" will be required for Driod Designer but not Architect. And "Masonry" will be required for Architect but not DD. And "Metalurgy" will be required for both. Make sense?


Artisan is the base profession that has many branches to choose from; Architect, Driod Designer, Driod Engineer, Weaponsmith, etc. and these are all equal level branches from Artisan.


Now take and Elite Profession like Bounty Hunter, these will require more than one profession, like marksman and commando, to achieve.


Hope this helps.



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