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already used the bait


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I got the free bait and added it to the perfume before I got the ScupperWare container. Now that I'm underwater looking for the loot I have nothing to attract the fish and I can't get anymore free bait. Is there any way to get more or attract the fish without starting all the way over? Please tell me there is so I don't have to quit the stupid game until I feel like doing it all over again.



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Check your inventory to see if you actually do have any extra free bait that you forgot to acknowledge. If not, then you should be able to go to the bait shop, and pick up some free bait. If Guybrush refuses to grab some, then check your scupperware box to see if it has anything fishy inside.

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this one annoys the hell outta me. basically, you should be able to use the scupperware with the free bait (in the bait shop i mean, not in you inventory). if your not allowed to do that. pick some up and then use it with the scupperware. i'm not sure how it works (haven't played that part in ages). if all else fails, one of scabbs ideas should work. basically, try all that we said and you should get somewhere, if not, come back here and by then, i'll have the proper solution.

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