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O hey Jester,


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Setion is currently picking fights with the locals, various objects near the locals, and any who say otherwise, as well as those who don't. He's recently been trying to waylay and finagle a Mary Kay Saleswoman car (El Camino convertable, pinked out cheerfully to some macabre degree, top down). Concisely said, he's developed an affinity for living the hell out of everyone. Poor sod.


It has been a noticeable span of time, Iisaac. Last I recall we argued satisfactorally over punctuation and conceded on an unprecedented amount of things. Your pal Stavos (Stavos?) breifly got in a bit on the mix.


Perhaps I've forgotten, selectively or in my age, but personal details, I'd wager, are going to stay covert and mysterious bastards - but hey, I can still ask: What all's going down in Klinger town?

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