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Make brush show up as target. Possible?


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Hey everyone, this is more of a coding question but it relates to mapping. Heres the story,

I've been mapping for about a month and a half now, undertsand all the basics and what not and have had my imagination start to grow and try new things :D Now, when your fighting someone in MP, when you put your crosshairs on the person, they turn red, indicationg it's an enemy/hostile target. Now, what I want to do, is apply this same code, which allows another person to be a target (under which special moves apply like the yellow DFA), to a brush. This would be useful if you are by yourself and would like to work on saber combos with yellow DFA at the end, or just training, but still having the target there(and the brush wouldnt die of course so you could practice as long as you like) Do you understand my question? So basically I want to give a brush, enemy properties. This would be a neat feature for a map :D


-Mix Master

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