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Worst 1st experiece ever...

DC | Dark Luke

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Originally posted by Luc Solar


I don't have time to take a closer look if they're actually unarmed or are tossing grenades or detpacks at me.


That's why I avoid them. I stay away from them because it may be a trap, but I also avoid attacking them because in Jedi Outcast MP, there are whiners. It was a saber-only server, otherwise there would be people without deactivated sabers out. I only see bowing in duels though. I think I've seen only one person that didn't bow and gave me a dfa while I bowed (we were close together) Took 50 HP, but he fought like a noob and I won. I would have probably seen more that don't bow, but I've been playing MP for a week, so what do I know?

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Well I Play CtF and if there saber is down... it normally means they are trying to look cool when they pull kick you. normally I will throw a saber at them and they soon turn it on. I am finding crouching down very handy to.... weeeee as the kick monkey fly's over head. Got to say last nights games I used and abused Grip... and why! well the move for the moment seems to be rage and spam DFA, I was on besbin shafts... ops did I throw you over? I was also getting the lame from the opposition, lol and these are the players that stand on the bridge and spam pull kick lol and the rage spamming DFA. your lame if you use grip to kill us, but spamming DFA with rage on is ok!!! and pull kick set up on keys is lame to. as a few servers have anti script working, but I think a few players have found a way round the scripts plus if your using programmable hard wear that's most probably going to get round it to. as some one said if you don't try to take these head on, they are normally so dependant on there little scripts that you should be ok.

also I am seeing that these "Good Players" leave if there are not on the best side, most games are all the "good players" go to the same side and like to thrash the newbs... hooo so much fun. I have to say that there are a few players that sick it out, they do get frustrated but sick it out, my hats go off to them players as they are true players. me I don't mind being on the loosing side, I normally lean a lot more on playing that side than playing on the side with all the "good players" and being bored as there is nothing to do, than watch them pull kick every one. The game is going down a slippery slope, there are the players that are pulling kicking, spamming rage DFA dos it get boring to repeat that... ok it might not as I hold my hand up to pull back stabbing in ver 1.03, and there are the players that are trying to learn the game (god help them). or players like me, as I will not bind keys in any form, only what I can hit with my fingers, and find the game very tough. absorb and throw has to be the best 2 weapons I have., as going head to head on a player normally means a DFA or loads of kicks to the head. but then again if I am tactical in my moves I am plastered with the lamer hat LOL cant win hehehe not that I care.. ok I might a little as per my little rant above. I would love to quit the game trouble is I love putting my self in to these frustrating game and loosing LOL hehehehe I will have to change my name to Frustrated=lamer+looser. hehehe

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