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I THINK I have a good idea....

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I hope this hasn't been posted before...

Well, this is my idea. Monkey Island 5 could be based on Elaine, LeChuck, and Guybrush as they grew up. I don't know. You could choose who you wanted to be out of Elaine, LeChuck and Guybrush, and the story changes for them all. Yeah, that sounds good to me! And maybe Timmy the Monkey can star in it too! Hehe. :p:D. Well, post what you think here. (It's not as if I'm gonna stop you though, is it?)

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that's actually a pretty good idea, and thing that happen in one version of the story happens because of something that happens in another part and you don't get the full picture until you've played all the parts. i love it.

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Thanks Neil Joshi!!! :D. I'm happy now. :). Somehow, I think that everything focuses on LeChuck and Guybrush a bit too much, with Elaine only cutting in when LeChuck announces his 'undying love' (hehe) for Elaine, and how she could be his undead bride, bla bla bla. And I wanted to see Guybrush and Elaine's wedding!!! (Or did they show that at the end of The Curse Of Monkey Island? I can't remember... :confused:. And I definitely think the reggae-style theme should stay the same- i love that music! I could sing to it alllll day.... :o:p:o:D.


Oh, and that 'A Pirate I Was Meant To Be' song was good too- I saved it just before they started singing so I can listen to it over and over and over and over again... ;)

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i think we all saved it there, the song was just too funny. i also saved it just before the jingles guybrush sings in the barbery coast, funnier. and you didn't see the wedding in COMI, just elaine and guybrush after the wedding sailing off into the sunset in the sea cucumber. yes, i agree, elaine needs a bigger part (i'd have loved for her to have a bigger part in COMI, she was a statue thoguhout most of it, and if not, tied up amd gagged, very little dialogue)

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yeah, i agree, elaine does need a bigger part (i don't know why i didn't put her on my poll...), but going back to the pirate song thing, i made sure to not save before it when i played the second time. it was sooooo annoying! and time consuming, too. and i don't even have a dry sense of humor. i was like, "okay, can i actually get to playing the real game now?" it takes forever for you to get to the orange option anyway, and even when it showed up, i didn't click on it until three choices later.


and i don't remember any singing scene in the barbery coast.

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many people seem to overlook that part. talk to snugglecakes vanhelgn about the barbershop quartet and eventually, you should come across a line that looks like 'i could be the fourth in your barbershop quartet!' then you should get to a loads of badly sung songs from guybrush, they're hilarious.

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