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help me i just started to play agen and i have some problems


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i just started to play agen and i am having some truble.....i dl the map and everything fine but i frezz when i get to the awating snapshot.... thing what should i do/dl




and im not so computer savy so if you could spell it out for me that would be great

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Does this happen with every game server or just 1 game server that you join? Sometimes I just restart my computer, or I turn Auto-Download off (located in Game Options), and then it works fine. Try these 2 methods out. Also be sure to download the latest patch, click here


Good to see a fellow playa!! :D

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well i dl the patch in like 5 seconds i donno if that means i had it already or not but i will try it tomrow and see i have lota work to do tonight



thanx for your advice ill let you know if it works so check back

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