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final chapter-help


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hey people...help a punk jedi(thats a real rare species)...i got a problem. I got stuck in that area of the final chapter in which you encounter 3 Dessans...ok so i do cut the pipe near the ceiling, i put out the fire and then i get to a hole in the floor...i go through there and then i find some walls with three signs on them...i push the signs ...the walls do move but no passsage or tunnel opens....how do i get passed that area?...

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I had the same problem. Here it what you have to do.


Push all the walls. THere is a option to run in circles look at the wall you are running in circle around, on one of the sides there is another boutton you can push wich opens a wall further down. Then you will come to him.



Hint on kicken LizardFace



1st Make sure you activate the Beam by pressing the 2 bouttons on the top floor. Once it activated jump it.

2nd run around the beam generator making him throw his saber at you, at one time he will have trouble gaining it back wich is the time to strike him down, Force push him when he is vanurable You will get a couple of nice blows at him when he is down.

3rd stay aweay from open battles, he is powerfull indeed.


well that was how i kicked him twice:atat:



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