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September for EU players


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Still read the forums from time to time, but tbh, a LOT of UK players who were salivating at the mouth for SWG will now not bother with it.


Im afraid that the constant release date changes may well be the death of this game in the EU before it is ever released, as most EU players that i know have ways of obtaining copies from the US, and will play on the US servers being unwilling to wait another 5 months for its supposed Euro release :(

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The game is not dead in Europe just because there is no EU release for quite a while. To compare, DAoC had a huge european following long before there was an european release, and my local store even had the european release on its shelf, since so many ordered it.


Just because SOE is daft and don't understand how many copies they could sell if they released it worldwide at the same time doesn't mean there won't be many european gamers playing it in April! ;)


Oh, and eventually, the european servers were full too, once they started. Just wait and see...

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For a Start No one is Shore that the Relese date in the EU is Sept the 5th Yet, have they made a anouncment that i missed ? Or is this the Guess that http://www.Amazon.Co.uk are making ?


The release date being difrent in US is a pain in the ass belive me i think so. <Shakes fist at Yankeys> ;)


But this game is not dead in the EU all ready becuse of it, i know loads of people that are looking forward to this game coming out in the UK wether it be later or not


Thease people are just not Fanatical about it like some others


< Points at me


To go out and spend what ever it takes to get the game ASAP.....


I am ever paying for over night shipping from the US to the UK :D


They need to make a anouncment about the EU date in my Humble Opion but the game is nay way dead mate.....


I bet you still get it :D

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one thing i can say is unless you've seen the date officially announced somewhere else, DO NOT trust online retailers...


i work for a games publisher and we regularly check online stores that are running pre-orders for our titles and they, for some very unknown reason, seem to changes the release dates as and when they feel like it... it quite annoying really :/

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....or, you could buy it from abroad! :)


As long as dates are rumours, it's impossible to plan by them. With the amount of "really truthful leaked info" pointing at different dates, it's hard not to compare with Nostradamus. Sure, one or two of them will eventually be true, but the impossibly small percentage that will be true makes it dumb to trust any of them.


Trust. Noone.

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