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What would yo like in JK2 EXPANSION PACK

Sarafan Raziel

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I think what would be a cool game (whether JK3 or not) would be a mixture of JO and good old Elite. A dynamic engine, where Kyle gets contacted from various planets to do missions - some within a story arc, some not. You then fly there, possibly XWA style, then get out, do the mission JO style, and return. Huge project, but v funky :D

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I think what would be a cool game (whether JK3 or not) would be a mixture of JO and good old Elite. A dynamic engine, where Kyle gets contacted from various planets to do missions - some within a story arc, some not. You then fly there, possibly XWA style, then get out, do the mission JO style, and return. Huge project, but v funky


This seems much like beloved Shadow of the Empire. Do you remember this ancient game? Apearently It would be great:)


JKIII should be a huge project with rpg elements, non linear story, new combat styles, and many features from muliplayer MODs.

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