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Stuck: Level one, on JK2 DEMO


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I'm stuck on the demo version of JK2 and can't get past a door/forcefield - wondered if it was cos it's a demo..


Very first level - after defeating the very first sith guy in the hanger, I can't get past the forcefield, where that commander is..


any help apreciated.. sorry if this is vague


Cheers :c3po:

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If you've killed the "sith" (guy with lightsaber) then all you need to do is turn around and fight the guys coming out of the door you walked in through.. and then just continue on from there, you're almost at the end.


As to the force field (this is much before your saber duel), it's rather simple. Just find the elevator (in that circular room that has the "generator" in the center) and take it up to the upper level.


You should then see a central "tower" that has what appears to be a control center inside and some bridge struts (that are raised so you can't walk on them). You can jump across there and destroy the supports so that the bridge struts lower.


There's another switch in there, the rest should be self explanatory.


Incidentally, there are a LOT of things you can break, so toss your lightsaber around, break glass, pipes, etc. you'll find new stuff.

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