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Map Switching Issue


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I am running a MP server v10.4 with Vulcanus 2.2 admin mod. I have the setting autoswitch maps after 20 kills or 30 minutes. I have since downloaded custom levels. I have tried to add the following to my server config but the only levels that will load are the stock levels:


// Map Rotation

set d1 "map ffa_bespin ; set nextmap vstr d2"

set d2 "map ffa_deathstar ; set nextmap vstr d3"

set d3 "map ctf_bespin ; set nextmap vstr d4"

set d4 "map ns_hideout ; set nextmap vstr d5"

set d5 "map ns_streets ; set nextmap vstr d6"

set d6 "map imperial ; set nextmap vstr d7"

set d7 "map ctf_imperial ; set nextmap vstr d8"

set d8 "map yavin ; set nextmap vstr d9"

set d9 "map lavamap ; setnextmap vstr d1"


Once it gets to yavin, it cycles back to bespin. I have the lavamap.pk3 file in my gamedata\base folder. This happens with any custom level that I download. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong or how to correct this? Thanks for any help that you can provide.

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