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Microsoft To Acquire Digital Anvil - Another rumour?


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i found this at gamers.com


here it is: Microsoft will acquire FreeLancer developer Digital Anvil (DA), the company started by Wing Commander creator Chris Roberts. Incidentally, Roberts will be leaving DA "to pursue other creative endeavors," Microsoft said.

Under the terms of the pending acquisition, Microsoft would gain the rights to select DA games, including FreeLancer, as well as a yet-to-be-announced title being developed for Xbox. The companies have worked closely since 1997 to develop games for the PC platform. The addition of DA comes on the heels of other game company acquisitions by Microsoft, including MechWarrior creator FASA Interactive Technologies, Links creator Access Software, and Bungie Software, creators of the upcoming Halo. Following the acquisition, DA will continue to create games from its Austin, Texas, headquarters as part of Microsoft's growing pool of in-house development talent.


Meanwhile, Roberts will continue to work with DA through the completion of FreeLancer as creative consultant. He will also continue to craft the game's storyline and serve as an adviser to the development team.

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As I said in the 'Bioware' thread, it's a worrying trend when the big boys (whoever they may be) go on a spending spree snapping up independent development houses. :(


And seeing that about Chris Roberts leaving just re-affirms the idea that those with the 'vision', or the guiding force behind those development houses, see fit to leave when they're bought out. At least MS have the foresight here to allow the one with the 'vision' to continue to provide input in as an advisor...but more often than not, with the loss of the visionary, it's hard to realise their driving concept.


That's not to say there isn't other significant talent within these development houses - there obviously is, and they undoubtedly do a good job - but everyone has their own creative ideas, so a final product may not match it's initial concept. You know what they say about too many cooks...


One also has to wonder how long it will be before certain 'divisions' are trimmed, closed down, amalgamated, centralised, or what-have-you...which will mean that many of those creative people have to start all over again in another independent development house.


Anyway, it seems MS is just on another crusade to transform the gaming industry into a new mould that suits their bank balance...

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