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Youve Probably heard this but.........

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I KNOW you've heard this but i have a problem with a senario im creating. Like always i try to test or play it and it crashes. but it doesnt stop there. The whole computer crashes!!!

I want to know exactly what types of errors would cause this. But i dont know what to do. I am new to the map making thing.

But i also want you to know that i do have a lot of gaia units and not many triggers.


Question #2

I have gaia units that are heroes u know? I dont want to the players to kill them i just want them for show. How do i do that. If i leave them gaia then anyone who passes by will own them. But if i leave them gaia then they can kill them and stuff. I dont know what to do.:fett:

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The editor does tend to crash a lot, for example, when you place trees over some plants, it crashes and when you place terrain in a certain place. You just need to save regularly. But if it keeps happening, perhaps reinstall the game or start the scenario over.


As for your second question, you should use a dummy player. Create a new player and use an immobile AI, then place the units down you want. Alternatively, create a looping trigger to repeatedly change the ownership of the units to gaia.


Hope i helped.


~ Sisco

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