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Prices of iteams


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Eh.... well.... there'll be thousands of items. Of varying quality. And at different sellers. So, an answering post, once the NDA is over, should be a couple of pages long. ;)


But sure, I'm also interested in about how many weeks you'll have to save up for a building etc. I guess I can only wait and see.

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I'm guessing that PC's will set the prices, as SWG will have an almost entirely PC run economy, so we can expect 2 c Random Joe thinking the item he made is kickass, pricing it 2 high, and nobody buying it, or Random Jim thinking no-1 will buy his item so he sets it at a v.low price. I expect 2 c a wide range of prices, with possibly the same item being priced v.differently at 2 different vendors.


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