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Multiplayer Help....im ready to quit...HELP!


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There is no denying that I am a Noob in this game but to find any tips on playing multiplayer seems to be far and few.


Could someone please be kind enough to teach me some of those fancy moves that I see killing me in one swipe. One in particular is the one in yellow stance where the person seems to flip in the air come down and do a swipe with his/her lightsaber. Killing the person instantly. From reading some of the little how to's out there it says to forward+attack+jump but no matter how many times I try the combinaton it never seems to work.


Another move is the one where the person just does kind of a swipe with the saber and it also kills with one swipe.


Knocking people down as well. Im aware of the double jump on someone to kick em but what about when no one kicks me and it seems that a force push or pull aided in the knockdown.


Please, can someone assist me...near the brink of dumping this game and buying something else. Game seems dope enough to take the time to search for some answers.


Any help would be much appreciated....thanks again!! : )

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I'm shocked people are still coming here and haven't heard of Outcast Strategy.


Anyhow, this site will help you learn the basics and introduce you to some helpful tips:




Bookmark it, tell your friends! ; )


The secret to most of these moves is having the right stance selected, and being close enough to your opponent... plus timing is everything. Practice on bots until you get it right.

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Lol.. no seriously.


I sense a bit of competative spirit here (which isn't necessarily a bad thing).


The Academy seems to be a "hands on" type of thing (sort of a "mentoring" deal).


My site is dedicated to putting strategies in print, with pictures to make it easy for people to learn them who haven't done them before.


We're both part of the same community, we just do our jobs in different ways. ; )

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