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The Dark Alliance is now recruiting

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The Dark alliance is now recruiting. All positions are available. The Dark Alliance is a Military & Criminal Orginization. We will have a military for the pvpers and for those who wish not to fight we have many craftsmen positions avaible. Both the military and the craftsmen positions are equally important. The goal for The Dark Alliance is to present a dominate force in the universe. We are playing on the Eclipse server.


For a list of the positions and to join go to




and click on The Dark Alliance.


we will be using this site till we set up our own site. Thank you for any inconvience.


We are also looking for PA's who are playing on the eclipse server who want to form an alliance. If you are interested e-mail me at Sm0key85@hotmail.com for more info.


Thank you :jawa

-Loki Sinstalker


"When you come face to face with The Dark Alliance you only have two options. Run and Hide." - Loki Sinstalker

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