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Annoying bug in game


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Is it just me or has some one else noticed a wierd flickering in the single player simple shadow ?


is this a known bug and if so is there a fix?


if it's a shader thing i don't know how to build shaders but if its a simple .tga file or .jpg file where can i find it (ex.. in the directory structure of jk2)


Please any one help Thanks :)

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No idea if this will effect Single Player, but:


Have you messed around with the cg_shadows settings?


I personally haven't come across this problem, but I could be wrong.


As for the settings for the above bold variable:


0 -- No shadows.

1 -- Ordinary shadows (blobs).

2 -- Stencil buffer shadows.

3 -- Very dark stencil buffer shadows. This setting is a complete and utter frame-rate killer. ;)

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Thanks !


no, I haven't messed with the cg_shadows i have my settings on simple shadows or(blobs)


you only see it when you move the mouse so you are looking down on your player it looks like a flashing (3d)edge alpha problem or some thing right behind and under the player.


Thanks for the response Hèkx Nòxú .


it's not only with kyle but any model i use so it seams to me it's some thing in the shadows.

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I tried the different shadow settings that you

mentioned Hèkx Nòxú.


0 -- No shadows.

1 -- Ordinary shadows (blobs).

2 -- Stencil buffer shadows. ( i found this to be volumetric shadows this one is the frame ratekiller )

3 -- Very dark stencil buffer shadows. (this seems to process as quick as no shadows, or simple shadows, and it gives a very nice drop shadow. {not quite soft enough around the edges and it's a little to dark but hey it will do}


Thanks Again Hèkx Nòxú, your help was very much appreciated.


svösh :D

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