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Annoying bug in game


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Is it just me or has some one else noticed a wierd flickering in the single player simple shadow ?


is this a known bug and if so is there a fix?


if it's a shader thing i don't know how to build shaders but if its a simple .tga file or .jpg file where can i find it (ex.. in the directory structure of jk2)


Please any one help Thanks !!!! :)

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thanks for the reply razorace


so you have not incountered this problem.


i figured out a better setting for my shadows


with some help.


cg_shadows 3 (gives a nice drop shadow)

and does not slow me down at all it's like no shadows or simple



Thanks Again :D


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Ok I already had the 1.04 patch and i still had the problem I uninstalled the game + patch and reinstalled the game and then the patch and still the same. thing Damn!


Could it be a video card problem maybe? i have an ATI radeon 7200 64 mb Any ways who cares turn off shadows and slice and dice :D

Thanks everyone for there help.


svösh ;)

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Erm, cg_shadows 3 is definatly slower than cg_shadows 1 (simple/blob), not sure what you're talking about. Volumetric, cg_shadows 2, isn't supposed to be used, it's not in most other Q3 engine games, because it was never completed or meant to be completed, but Raven put it in the menu anyways.

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Originally posted by Emon

Erm, cg_shadows 3 is definatly slower than cg_shadows 1 (simple/blob), not sure what you're talking about. Volumetric, cg_shadows 2, isn't supposed to be used, it's not in most other Q3 engine games, because it was never completed or meant to be completed, but Raven put it in the menu anyways.


Well I don't know why it's not on my computer unless my 512 mb of ram bus, on my 1.5 ghz intel chip and 64 mb radeon 7200 video card. Has some thing to do with it. :D

cg_shadows 3 run just as smooth as no shadows for me. They are to dark to look real and clip near walls but "you can't always get what you want" ;)


Thanks everyone. Svösh

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From what I was getting from that svosh your trying to say your comp is amazingly good?


512 MB Ram

AMD Athlon 2Ghz

GeForce 4 Ti4600




Also, I don't seem to have any problems with shadows or stuff and all of my setting are put up to the MAX.:D

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I didn't mean to brag, my system is all right but it's almost 2 years old so it's nothing special.


But it can handle my 2D, 3D Graphics programs very well that’s what I got it for. And games with max textures, colors, highest polys. It gets the job done.


I was just trying to tell Emon that might be the reason for no slow down when playing with cg_shadows 3. that’s all.


Before i got this computer i had a p166 mmx w/ 32 mb ram

running old Photoshop 5 and 3ds max 3 at the same time was painful.


Any ways I got the 1.03 patch for jk2 then installed the 1.04 and now I have no more glitch in the simple shadows.


thanks again everyone.



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