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In Monkey Island 5, I would like to see...


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Good heavens, I don't meaning bawling your head the whole time! Just at certain parts. You know, something fitting for the last Monkey Island. Admit it, you would be crying because it was the last MI game, and if you say no, don't talk to me. :(


*stomps off in a huff because nobody understands*

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if it ends with MI5 then make an end which drives us to the question: whats up with Guybrush right now?? every hour each day..


or maybe he'll end off like Herman in another Monkey Island World..


perhabs MI5 will be a kind of interdimensional travel game..


.. I'll remember it anyhow!

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Originally posted by Captain Andy

-a darker, more mysterious feeling, like in parts of MI2

-Guybrush and Elaine's little daughter

-the end of the pirate world, effectively destroying the chance for more sequels. NOT however, like Ozzie Mandrill's scheme. Much different.

-the Voodoo Lady's name


....Guybrush and Elaines little daughter??? This would be a great way to continue the series!!! Why not create a seperate series of games based on the little one, using a point and click scumm interface, aimed at kids, but in reality just a re-hash of MI1 and MI2 where the little one wants to follow in her fathers footsteps, and so the tale begins back on Melee island but with some new characters, plot etc!!!

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*sings* When it's over/ That's the time I fall in love again.....*stops singing*


What? Oh, right. I hate saying this, it's like it's some stinkingly REALISTIC person and not me talking. But they'll never do that.


Oh, but wouldn't it be lovely? If it never ended, and we all got to wait for the next one and the next one and they'd all be good, quailty MIness and it went on and on and we would want to live for ever because there would always be a new one.....


Ok, nobody comment on that last part....I'm tired and I got swept away in the lovely Caribbean ocean.....oh hello, my winged friend...goodbye.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thinkk they should get the cool humor from MI1-2 back... Well the two others are not boring just that its something mising =(... And it should me LLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONGER... And much more =)... maby Largo as a sweet pink fluffy bunny =)

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You know.. if #5 is the last installment, then I would like it to be a really big game featuring each and every island that there has been in the MI series. That'd be fun. And maybe getting to see more of the islands from MI2

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That sound file does sound good scabb, but it was an April Fool's Joke. I read all about it when the SCUMM bar was actually up and running.


One thing I've always wondered ever since i first played CMI, why is Guybrush so afraid of porcelain????? I just dont get it. I've thought about MI 1 and 2 and can't remember a blessed thing about porcelain. GRRRR


The music from CMI would be a great addition. It made it feel so Carribean and care-free. I like it so much I actually downloaded all the MP3's of them from the SCUMM Bar and made a CD out of every track from the game lol.


Some characters I would like to see return: Largo just like everyone else does, the storekeeper from SOMI, the cannibals, Murray, Stan selling something previously owned with his CMI voice, Wally, and definitely Kenny when he's a few years older!!!!Bob would be great to. And some others that I won't mention for length's sake.

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guybrush dieing would just be fustrating and younger people would just get bored MAKE MI1+2 in 3D it would be really good. same story 3D or go back to the traditional LECHUCK based pirate thingy were guybrush is not speaking but writing comes up the speaking just wreked it and now the spirit is lost that is Y LUCAS ARTS have stopped making MIs because MI3+4 were not as good as 1or2

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Monkey Island 4, although not necessarily horrible, was disappointing in general, especially in the sense that there was so much botched continuity. So my fantasy Monkey Island 5 would actually be a fantasy Monkey Island 4 that takes place after CMI. What I'd like to see in it;

-Either a skeleton or a robot LeChuck. His EMI incarnation was totally lame.

-Either nostalgic two-dimensional graphics in the style of SoMI and MI2, or three-dimensional realistic looking graphics. As cool and beautiful as the graphics from CMI are, I really think the graphics from MI1 and MI2 really suited the franchise more. The general humor and wackiness of the characters is more effective if the characters themselves don't look like Disney cartoons.

-They have to resurrect the SCUMM bar system. I utterly hated controlling Guybrush with the keyboard. And even CMI's absence of the toolbar at the bottom of the screen. There's just a certain freedom in MI1 and 2 not present if all you can do is "use", "talk to", and "look at". Also, this may sound anal retentive, but they really need the font from the first two games back. I really miss that font.

-Throughout the game, you should return all of the islands from the first three games. And a more accurate version of Melee and Monkey Islands, please.

-Likewise, all of the characters from those games should make appearences. There are certain characters in particular that I want to return, such as Stan and The Men of Low Moral Fiber.

-It would be awesome if LucasArts and Ron Gilbert teamed up to make this game.

-I want it to be massively long. Like ten chapters. This may sound absurd, but I think that all four games suffered from a short length problem.

-If they use voices, it would be better if they were consistent with the ones from CMI.

-Have Largo and LeChuck's Voodoo priest be reintroduced. Their whereabouts were always an irritating loose end.

-I certainly don't want this to be the last Monkey Island game. Even if it is the last one made, I don't want it to feature any sort of "final chapter/tie up the loose ends" crap. It should just end like a normal Monkey Island game.

-Perhaps it could come in a package, with a re-release of the first three, with voice acting (for the first two), and bonus scenes.


Yes, this may be a pipedream, but that's how I wanted Monkey Island 4 to be, and how I want Monkey Island 5 to be.

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First of all, guybrush dies twice in CMI, and in EMI you can kill the guybrush on the other side of the gate in the swamp in lucre island with the gun he gives you. But for any future Monkey Island™'s, I wanna see a lot more of murray (unlike his cameo in EMI), much more of insult sword fighting, see wally again, lechuck again, and no ozzie mandrill!... and maybe the three pirates from the barbery coast (Haggis, Cutthroat Bill, and Van Helgan).

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Stan needs to sound like a southern Used-Car Salesman, though he was decent in CMI. He was not decent in EMI.


If (and I stress "IF") MI:5 is the last Monkey Island, and I have seen absolutley zero evidence that it will be, then I think it should be a MOMRPG.


Think about it: It would be like the series wouldn't end. Only it would have different characters (though you should be able to buy from Stan and maybe run into Guybrush and Elaine).


I've heard that with SW Galaxies it is a hard and rare thing for anyone to become a jedi, but it is possible for anyone. With a Monkey Island RPG, it could be the same thing with being able to travel to Monkey Island. It is possible for anyone to get there, but very hard. Then at Monkey Island you can mess around with Herman and stuff.


But the focus of the games would be on the familiar islands of Melee, Booty, Plunder, Scabb, Phatt, Blood, Skull, and maybe a few new ones. But some should blow Jambalaya out of the water.

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Another idea popped into my head: "User-created Voodoo dolls!" What if, in an RPG, you could find ways of collecting something of thread, something of head, something of fluid, and something of dead from a rival pirate and have it made into a voodoo doll? Hmmm...

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I want so see The Barber shop men from MI3, however one has changed dramaticly, also I would like to have the game in traditional 2-d format again as I didnt like the 3-D graphics on MI4 it felt to bulky. I would also like to see good old guybrush again still with the witty humour! :p

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, first I woud like to say, I have been a fan since the begining which is hard because it started when I was born but I was raised on monkey (thankyou daddy). THe best adventure gae of all time is MI1 and I long for the days of the old crappy graphics but thoes days have passed and there are no hope for them unfortunaty, asking dfor them wont help unless a lo of fans get together, do it and avoid getting shut down by LA. MI4 had a lot of lose ends and like all true monkey fans I wont Ron back, it may happen and I hope it does but its not that likely to. What the hell is with the monkey robot?


I would directly like to address all these people saying "I want to know the real secret of MI" because I for one dont at all, for me one of the best parts of the series is tht we still dont know and I hope we never do, its just a little bit of irony I enjoy, I dont think we should ever know.


There have been a lot of sugestions here, RPGs I like but I just dont think its meant to be, but could make a good fangame, tthe game has to have Guybrush battling evkil because thats was why it was great in the first pace, so MI4 was crap MI5 dont have to be.


I love the largo back Idea, that sounclip is kool by the way. The best suggestion I have seen in this thread is


in MI 5 id like to have:

-a rubberchicken or two

-cmi-like sound/music

-new innovative gfx and adventure like handling (pointnclick yeahyeahyeah)

-no monkey kombat, its too lame

-a bananapicker



-pirates, insults, grog

-AN ID FOR BUYING GROG. actually in that panties i wear!

-monkey island feeling


to me that sums up everyhing great, also what happend to guybrushes maturer look in MI2, I thought that was kool.





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I think that a lot of the character that we havent seen in a while (from 1 & 2) should come back to the 5th one peope like:


The pirates who want to become circus performers from MI1


The pirates who set Gybrush THE THREE TRIALS from MI1.


The circus performers themselves.


The shopkeeper from MI1


Mellee island sheriff ( I think his name was fester cant remember though)


Lookout guy from MI1


Largo from MI2


Captain Dread from MI2


Kate Capsize from booty island in MI2


Shopkeeper from MI2 from booty island


Pirates near laundrette on mi2


Librarian from MI2


Govenor of phatt island


Gambling bloak from MI2 (on phatt island)


Sword trainer from MI1


Man in troll costume from MI1


Gardener from MI2 (on booty island)


Chef form MI1 scumm bar

spiffy the dog


Then there should be characters that are definatly kept for The 5th game that weve seen quite alot like:


Gybrush and ellaine (of course Monkey island wouldnt be Monkey island without them.)




Herman toothrot


voodoo lady




carla the Swordmaster


Stan (One of the best of the monkey island characters)


Lechuck (i think he should be in it but not have such a main part)


murray (even though he is annoying)




3 headed monkey (even though he dont really apear much)


then the characters i definatly dont think should be in it:


Ozzy mandrill


marco de pollo (couldnt stand that diving bit ruined the game apart from monkey combat)


Now to islands i think most of the islands should be in it but there is a few that i really dont like these are:


Jambalaya Island


Lucre island


Islands that should be definatly in it (2 from each game):


MI1 Mellee island


MI1 Monkey island


MI2 scabb island


MI2 Booty


MI3 Blood island


MI3 plunder island


MI4 Knuttin atoll (small island next to jambalaya. May be a bit difficult to put in without jambalaya).


Mi4 all the others were Rubbish.


I also think that they should do it in 2d like Monkey island 3 with the point and click style of monkey island 1.

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