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X-Wing Alliance 2 (not what you think...)


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Who else thought the ending to XWA was bad. They hadn't ended the tale of the Azzameens and knew it'd be the last in the series, at least for OT for about 10 years!


So I with the persuasion of SpaceMonkey, have started a fanfic of XWA2, the tale of how Antan is brought to justice. Over AIM and PMs, we have some really good ideas, but I am sure we could use some more. PM me for some ideas to add to the last chapter of the Azzameen tale!!!


By the way, it will be written in the 1st person, wit hAce telling the story. With Olin Garn, he is commander of an unnamed squadron and must help Olin after being court martialed find the guy that set them up....


Any ideas are welcome, battles, names of people, the squadron's name, story ideas, etc....

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i never really like the azameens, dont know why, i just didnt...and the ending was very strange, they should have just made it so u flew an xwing allong with the millineum falcon, and helped wedge and lando blow up the deathstar, not switch characters the way they did it, and that robot was annoying...and some of the music...story was ok.

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