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SP- Crashes after loading


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SP- Crashes after loading


1.) I start a new game

2.) Loads fine

3.) Blah Blah Blah (Star Wars theme, words scrolling into space)

4.) Camera pans down and show ship flying off

5.) Stops for about 15 sec

6.) BAM!, Crashes, Pops up with "jk2sp.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close"



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Specs are:

P3 733MHz


Sound Blaster PCI

Nvidia TNT 2 Pro (Drivers up to date)

DirectX 9

JK2 has current patch

(multiplayer doesnt work either)

(Demo works fine on my system)


Game works on my bros comp:

P4 1.5GHz


Sound Blaster Audigy 5.1

Geforce 2 Pro (Drivers up to date)

DirectX 9

JK2 has current patch

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What are your current JKII settings? Do you have them the same on both yours and your brother's PC?

High texture quality, detailed shaders, etc.

Maybe try all the settings on low.


Since your brother's computer has a more powerful processor chip, it would seem the problem lies with your computer being a 733MHz.


Do you have any problems with other video games on your PC?

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ok this might sound wierd, but yesterday while i was trying to figure out what was going on with it so i tried turning of acceleration on my sound card and using my built in card. i played all day yesterday with no problems at all. today i booted my comp up expecting to play again and the error returned. it does exactly the same thing. ive tried tons of vairiations with the graphics and sound settings in the options menu and still no success. Also, i tried multiplayer and its doing the infamous lock up and sound skipping after a few seconds. BTW, jk2 actually runs quite smoothly on my 733 from what i played yesterday

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From what you've said, it would appear to be a problem with your sound card.


Here's some threads I found that may sound similar or help:




(Try turning off GL Extensions, available in the Video settings.)

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