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Carpal Tunnel

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Hi all. I got to thinking about Carpal Tunnel today, because, well, I seem to have it. I know why I have it - from banging on a computer keyboard and PBX phone at work for 9-10 years. The thing is, I don't ever intend to stop, at least not with the keyboard. I plan to work (and play) with and on computers for a very long time, and am actually starting school soon to learn to do it better.


The reason I bring it up here is because I am sure (well, I would think, anyway) that there are other people with it, that have no intention of stopping the repetitive keyboard motions that seem to be causing it.


If so, what do you do about it? Wear a brace? Use some sort of cream? Just curious - so far all I have tried is those squeezie things for strengthening your hands...heh, now I have fairly strong hands, but it still hurts.

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If you can afford it man, get the surgery done for it. My uncle had it done several years ago and he's been 'normal' ever since then. I'm not sure of the recover process or how long it takes, but I can't imagine it taking too long. It's something he thought was worthwhile. :)

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Thanks. I didn't even know there was surgery that could be done for it. I only started worrying about it recently, because I am starting to plan my future around a keyboard...I'll have to check and see if my insurance covers that sort of thing - and heck, I got it from work, maybe that will count for something. :)

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