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The alpha channel.


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I tried Paint Shop Pro 7. In that I can make a mask from the actual picture or from an other one (so I can draw the mask separately if I want), then tweak it if necessary. The last step is that I save the mask to the alpha channel, then delete the mask with no merging into the picture.


When I save it as TGA, it displays a warning about only one alpha channel can be saved but that's enough. :)

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In Paint Shop Pro, just do your selections, then go to the Selections menu and choose save to alpha channel. However, there's one catch in this business: if you are making, let's say a grate, what part of the picture do you save to the alpha channel? The grate itself or the black area, where you should see through the grate?


I have done different grates, glass with some non-transparent markings, and some other shaders with transparent areas, but still I don't automatically remember this... Eh, so I don't remember, before I have a look at some .tga I did before (or some Raven one). Luckily, you only have two choises. And no doubt somebody will post here the correct answer.


And remember it has to be a targa file. JPEGs never have but one layer, no alpha channels.

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