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Permanently Disable Cheats?


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My Nephew is 11 and he likes to cheat while playing multiplayer. He doesn't know much about computers but he knows how to open up the console and enter in the cheats. I do not want him to cheat. I want him to play the old fashion way: Good 'ol hard work! He and I are both running the latest patch.


How do I permanently disable cheats? Can I disable the console? Is any of this possible?

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He apparantly knows how to activate cheat mode. Oh well. I really don't think so. The console as delevoping purposes as do most cheats(like god mode, noclip, and give all), so they wouldn't give much of a way to permanently disable them. The only way that I know to keep your nephew from using cheats is to do it personally. Teach him why he shouldn't cheat or show him what it's like on the receiving end of a cheater.


Same thing with spamming certain moves, like the back attacks.

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If he uses the "devmap" cheat for multiplayer, that was adding in for developer's purposes. I personally can't think of any means to disable people using it. If cheats are enabled, you can also use cheats. Beat him at his own game. ;)

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You know what? I meant to say Single Player. He has yet to play Multiplayer. Sorry.


Thanks for the info. After I posted, I started to think about how to teach him a lesson. Of course, getting him on the receiving end of cheats will probably work pretty good.


So....I have set up my desktop and laptop computers with Jedi Outcast. Yes, I know the legal ramifications, but I want to teach him a lesson that he will NEVER forget. :D



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Well, This is my, what? Second time posting at this place. Hmmm, and I come here everyday...


Well, anyway. You could bind a frequently used key (such as attack) to do it's function AND disable cheats. Like "Bind mouse1 +attack; helpusobi 0"


That might work until he figures that stuff out.

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That seems like a great idea. The only problem is that when the cheats becomes disabled, any cheats implemented before deactivation remain in effect. I tried bind god then helpusobi 0 in that order to the mouse 1 but it doesn't seem to work.


Thanks a lot for the information.

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You could also edit the cfg files (jk2xxx.cfg) so that it disables cheats everytime you start the game, but the binding key idea is cool.


You could maybe put individual cheats turned off into that as well, like god 0 (?).


So maybe "Bind mouse1 +attack;helpusobi 0;god 0;noclip 0"

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