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different tracks of MUSIC in SP level


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I know my question has been answered here before but the search function has been disabled.


How do i add different types of music throughout a SP level? For example, I want Kejim_Explore in one section... then i want Tunnels_Explore in another section... then i'll probably put in a custom piece of music in another area. I tried different ways using Trigger Once and Worldspawns but I'm not getting any music. I hope someone can help. Thanks in advance.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Leslie, you had suggested soundSets in another thread somewhere which I have been using a bit and find rather useful.


Bengar, look at kejim_post at the first main door to the base. There are two trigger_multiples that use two different soundsets to blend two different MP3s between the interior and the exterior of the building.


Soundsets are defined in sounds.txt in the root of the "sounds" folder.



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Originally posted by sematriclen

i dont think target_speakers only work a cirtain distnce though:confused:

They do, but your only way to limit them as you want is the using of SoundSets as clu said. With them you can specify the volume range and the sound radius in grid units.
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I ended up using target_play_music to play my music. I had problems with Target Speaker... the music would play and after about 15 to 20 seconds it would turn off.

Clu, I looked at the Kejim Post map and tried using Soundsets but I never got the Soundsets working. I felt i was wasting to much time so i moved on. It would be nice to get them working though. I'll check them out again one day.

My target_play_music is fine for now (thanks Leslie) but later I would like to really understand how the music works... for example I would like the music to change to action music when I am figting enemies in my map and then go back to normal when the fight is over... just like the regular SP JO. If anyone knows how to do this please let me know.



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Here's a cut-and-paste from an earlier post I made, hopefully it will help with the Soundset question. Remember there is no path name necessary when you put in the key value in radiant (that's what messed me up at first):



If you're doing SP, you might want to try using soundSets to get volume ranges. Look in the assets0.pk3 in the sound directory for sound.txt. You can create your own sets. Then you can add them to a trigger or a speaker or whatever:





localSet kejim_generator

timeBetweenWaves 0 0

loopedWave ambience/kejim/kejim_generator

volRange 240 250

radius 300


Just assign the soundSet key in radiant, then the name of the set as the value (no path names necessary). Try different values for the first line (localSet, bmodelSet or generalSet) to get different effects. I've just used "generalSet" on triggers to fade ambient sound between 2 dif areas of a map.




Hope this helps. If you still can't get sound sets working post back to this thread and I'll try to help.



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Thanks Clu, I tried the soundSets and they work. I went to your web site and found the Coffeestain link http://www.massassi.com/coffeestain/soundlist.html .Thats where i found the list of the ambient sound soundSets. The ambient soundSets will help out alot.


The only thing I couldnt get working was the music soundSets. Like the kejim_explore or the tunnels_explore . I know there is about 5 different kejim_explore soundSets do you know how to get them playing? It's no biggie but if you know that would be great. Like i said earlier, i have tunnels and kejim explore attached to a target_play_music it works fine... i just wish i could make the music swing into kejimbase_action when im fighting a bad guy.


Thanks again


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I haven't looked at how music is triggered when you are fighting a bad guy, but I imagine there may be a trigger attached to the NPCs of something that kicks it in. Maybe check the angerscript or deathscript assigned to the NPCs in kejim_post? (although I don't remember seeing soundsets in any of the SP scripts...)


Going out of town for a few days but if I find out anything later on the music I will post back.



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