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JKIII ..... C&C.. rants? .. All my thoughts in generel here...


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Originally posted by Prime

I know what your saying, but you don't want to slow the game down too much. Lightsaber fighting is a fast and furious form of combat. Just make sure that feeling of speed remains.


I agree with what your saying about MP and SP fighting, and they should be quite similar. However, there are lots of issues with MP saber fighting (like lag and so on) that you don't have to worry about in SP. I'd like MP fighting to be as close as possible to SP, but I don't want SP fighting lessened to bring close to MP.

dear God you share my thought exactly!!!
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Originally posted by Prime

But you can block red stance. If you are in red stance you can easily block a red swing. Even yellow can block it to some extent.



You can block swings just fine now with autoblocking. If you make it so manual blocking blocks everything, people are going to whine even more about not being able to get hits through. But I digress, as this discussion currently rages a few threads over...


How did red ruin MP duels? It even says in the manual that red stance should be used for one on one fighting.


You are 100% correct :)



No, NO! He is not 100% right. It is not about SLOW MOVING STRIKES. It is about REALISM! It is about FLUID ANIMATION. No offense prime, but I think your vision of the game strays from what ILR's main point is.


Combat must be made realistic to the movies. Is movie combat slow. Some would argue yes (Obi vs. vader - best duel ever), some would argue no (maul vs. obi + qui gon). You cannot rule combat to be one type of style or speed, saber combat is varied based soley on the combatants, level of skills, and their interaction.


So then, what is common in all these fights? THEY ARE REAL! THAT IS WHATS COMMON. The movement is accelerated, I cannot change my direction and go full speed in the other direction in a heartbeat. I actually have to swing my saber and arms, they can't just seemingly teleport around me to strike someone (poor animation).


It is about movie realism. Until we have combat WHERE WE KNOW EXACTLY WHAT IS HAPPENING, we wont have the system based on skill, rather we'll endure teh system based on 'fast fraggin fun'...


I got a 'f' word for that just to continue the alliteration.

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