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A weird problem


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This is a weird one

Im onto level 2 of my map

the first level everythings fine

All the models and characters light up as they should


on the second level kyle and the reborn and the bespin Statue are all very dark


i tried adding an add more light to npc script like in first level

what i was thinking is maybe theres to many shaders

but then why would the first level be ok as it has more LOL


anyone else had this trouble

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hehe good idea m8 :D

i did but broke me toe :mad: LOL



i think ive found the trouble


the light box lights the front of him but misses his rear end LOL

so hes black until you turn around.

Funny thing is the sky box lights objects where it shines. places it doesnt are black


but look how the real sun works

even when its to the east say a wall facing west is still lit. Either because of it reflecting off its surroundings or by the light particles being absorbed through the material like when ya shine a torch on ya finger HEHE


So this means that jk2 the sun doesnt work like a real sun.

They need a game where it does. and is a definate MUST for jk3

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Originally posted by Livingdeadjedi

Funny thing is the sky box lights objects where it shines. places it doesnt are black


but look how the real sun works

even when its to the east say a wall facing west is still lit. Either because of it reflecting off its surroundings or by the light particles being absorbed through the material like when ya shine a torch on ya finger HEHE


So this means that jk2 the sun doesnt work like a real sun.

Have you tried q3map2? With it you can alter (make a new) sky shader to use q3map_skylight instead of the q3map_surfacelight + q3map_lightsubdivide combo. And you can use radiosity too. But... I don't know if the former applies for the light grid which makes the dynamic model lighting (your player for example).

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