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New Clan

Master Dark Bla

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I have started a clan but I need members.

Reply here or send a mail to master_dark_blade@hotmail.com to join.


If you join as one of the first you start at a high rank:D

The clan shouldnt be so big so max 13 members.

Choose to be jedi,sith or merc all with different ranks.

We will mostly play RPG using omnimod or battle with forcemod 2.0 (that fortuneately come out soon!!!!!!!!)

You dont need to be good to join.

We are also looking for mappers/skinners to make clan map/skin.


We will soon have a website up but it will take time to find a server.


If this hears interesting so join now!!!


p.s the name of the clan is "The Killers".

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