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The Empire Needs U


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Clan Empire, or [<E>] as we are known in and around the 1.02 servers, is in need of members. we are looking to become a competitive clan with lots of matches and tournaments. We have a rank system that follows the imperial navy ranks used in the original trilogy, with myself as Emperor. I personaly test all new members and run our server. If u wanna check us out, we have a site (its new and still under construction).


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The Empire is in dire need of anyone who can make a server and have it up 24/7. The server must be able to hold at least 10 people, with minimum lag, and It would be nice if it had an rcon function. With the providing of this server the lucky person recieves an Empire Membership, free of test, and an immediate promotion to the rank of Grand Moff, our highest available rank. If u can do this for us and u play on 1.02, the Empire would be eternaly greatfull.

Thank You,

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Greetings my fellow jedi knights, This is Lord Sidious, and I have great news for the Empire, we now have a 24/7 clan server. However, If u have a fast computer and you can host a good server, my offer still stands. If u cant host a server, but you still want in, check out our site, meet us in the game, leave a message here, or email me. Id be happy to try you out.

Just a reminder, our site is


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This clan is pretty cool I recently spoted one of them on there server. I had some duels and ff's with them and was surprised on how well they respected the unwritten rules of Jk2. This clan is very perfessional, just too bad im takin. :) :)

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