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IJ Emperors tomb issues


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hi im playing ijet and sometimes when i move the camera near a wall the thing goes crazy for a couple of seconds

Also sometimes when i press the number to change weapons it doesnt respond and i cant change it instead i have to use the inventory which is slower...


Are all those issues bugs or is it me? Is there a patch somewhere???


By the way is there a way to save the game:confused: :mad: :mad: dont tell me that LC didnt inlcude one:mad:


see ya! take care

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The Camera issue is just a error. You won't find 1 person with this game that DOES NOT have that error.

For the inventory issue check out your settings. Somewhere in there is the options.

To save, complete a part, you cant just randomly save. That is a pretty crappy part. Enjoy the game!

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