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I figured this would be the place to pose my questions, hope I am not incorrect (also hope I am not out of line).


Question One: Where did you get all these great people to work on the mod? I am a storyteller in purest form, which unfortunately leaves me no room (or time, as I continue to work on my text-based projects) to develop the talents required to work on a PC game. Which is a problem, as I have some projects that I am hoping to undertake. Yet as an author I know many other writirs, but I do not know any programmers, or graphics artists, or sound editors, or mappers, etc. Where did you get all these talented people? :)


Question Two: If I do manage to somehow find the people to help me, is it possible to have diverging storylines using the same engine that Jedi Outcast uses? This might perhaps be a stupid question, but as I said I know nothing about programming. The limits of my knowledge about it are HTML and the chicken-scratch I manage in Neverwinter Nights modules. *chuckle*

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Where did we get most of the team?


1. Good question ;) Well, we all met here at LucasForums - not everyone, about 5 of us. I seem to remember, of those team members still with us today there is me, Darth_Linux, infinity_blade and MilesTeg. As we established ourselves, got a website online, people began finding us and wanting to help. There have been several slow patches, and times when we've not had enough people. Like before the demo was released, we had no active texture artists! Now, we have so many - most active! Anyway, during these "patches" we've (well, me) had to go on a big round up of the community. This means finding absolutely every JKII community on the internet, posting on their forums, writing to be put on the news page of their website etc.. And of course sticking up vacancies on our own website and forums. We have been very lucky with the team. Many big MODs needing a big team fail early on, as it can be very difficult to find enough modders. Luck is certainly an important factor. Oh, and soon after the demo was released a ton of people wanted to join the team :) You just have to hunt high and low to find talent...


2. What exactly do you mean by a "diverging storyline"? Before knowing what you mean, all I can say really is that the Quake 3 engine is pretty linear, and it would be very difficult to implement a fancy story-telling method. I think the new Jedi Academy is about as advanced as it can get...

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Arg, it is going to take me ages to find people. Ah well, nothing worth doing is ever easy.


As for diverging storyline, I mean as something similar to the two-ending style of Jedi Knight. Along those lines, anyway.


Also, Jedi Academy is going to have customizable characters, by what I have read. How difficult would you say that is to implement?

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i thought u went around all the sanitoruims to find people who had been driven insane by this game back in the mid ninteys and who also, incidentally had some sort of mod experience and kept them all locked in padded cells until they cooperated, and after you had convinced them that general mohc was not coming after them :D

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Originally posted by michael_collins

i thought u went around all the sanitoruims to find people who had been driven insane by this game back in the mid ninteys and who also, incidentally had some sort of mod experience and kept them all locked in padded cells until they cooperated, and after you had convinced them that general mohc was not coming after them :D


Ssshhh, keep it down mate...

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