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This doesn't make sense!!


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Originally posted by Blademaster_109

a few hours ago at 6:33pm i was a pit droid with 50 post and when i got back on 2 mins ago i was only a batha fodder with 48 post.Y


Actually, I'll give you a reason. You have been triple/double posting in some threads, and I have been amalgamating those triple posts into a single post. Your post count therefore reduced accordingly. I have added a comment to posts I have edited, asking you not to triple post, and use the edit.gif button instead to add any more one-liners to your original post.


Multiple postings one after the other are usually considered to be spammy. If you see anyone else double/triple posting without good reason, please let me (or the other moderators of these forums) know ASAP.


Thank you. :cool:

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