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Making new menus?


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How in the name of the almighty do you create new menus? From what I've read, you can do it through the UI module code, but then that was for baseq3 and since JK2 uses the Q3TA engine (and so uses .menu files) you have to use .menu files. Does anybody know how to edit them, or any good sites about them (apart from PhaethonH's webspace)?


(If this helps) what I am trying to do is to open up a menu at the press of a button (so a console command is bound to a key) which allows someone to change their class or maybe even change some other properties.


Also, does anybody know why the UI console commands aren't added to the tab-completion list? It seems quite strange... they do work (well when I type in some of the commands the game responds) but to somebody who hasn't peeked into the source they would be non-existent.




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As far as I know, you're right; you do have to edit the menu files.


I'm not sure if you can change the actual text descriptions on the existing buttons, but you can use them to execute different things.


1) Go into the ui folder of assets1.pk3 and open up main.menu and go to one of the buttons (let's say, newgamebutton)


2) Look at the "action" for that button. It looks something like this:




play "sound/interface/button1.wav" ;

close all ;

open newgameMenu



3) What this button currently does is opens a submenu and plays a sound. If you want it to execute a cfg file instead, you can change it to:




exec "exec mysettings.cfg"



Kengo/AKpiggot/DarthArth have a very useful tutorial at:




Hope this helps.



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