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Does your clan need.......


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Does your clan need a lil something?like a forum?downloads?a lil info page about your clan?and all that good stuff?i am currently offering to put any clans player info,a forum,pics,and some downloads on my site and if your clan dont have a site then i think this is a good thing to put it on,ill be paying for the site so you just give me info and ill do the rest!just make sure you got atleast 5+ members.


you can email me at RedDSlayer@aol.com

or aim:Redslayer

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  • 3 months later...

Not that I don't agree with what the others posted but it would help people make a decision if we could see some of your work. If it is crap than not a lot of people would want to do this. If it is good you might find a few people willing to have you make their site and forums and stuff.



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