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Custom Map produces high ping :?


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Me and a clanmate have been working on a clanmap for a while, but since a while back we stumbled upon a strange thing, the map we are creating raises the ping with a minimum of 50 for most people, some people have no trouble at all and some have just a minor increase (say 10 to 20)... :confused:


we know its our map because if we change to another custom map or non custom map the ping is back to normal... i mean, i am local with the server, usualy have a ping around 2... now i am forced to cope with a ping of 60... :(


Is there anyone who knows about this, and most of all, knows how to fix it?

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How familiar are you with mapping? There are entities that constantly fire and thus send packes called fx_runners. People add them to maps and make the continuous, but this causes the server to send a packet about this entity every .4 seconds (by default).

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Its new to both of us, we do use flames in the map, but that doesnt raise ping in other maps... or is it the way the flames are made? can you give an example of what entities would 'fire' constantly, or could be made to do so, eventhough that particular part is not destined to do so...


we're both prettymuch n00bs on mapping, we've tried everything we could think of, but we have limited knowledge, so that hinders us finding the solution i gues :(

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It's always nice to have new mappers.


fx_runners, which are used to make the flame ffects appear, "fire" their effect forever (unless turned off, or set for "one shot" (which is only really good for SP). The effects are drawn as triangles (many, many triangles). The more often they are called, the more triangles are drawn at any given moment. More triangles=lower fps. Let me open radiant to find the entity info. and I'll tell you how to fix this problem.

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