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**** 24 Hour Competition ****

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Ok, here it is!


It's very simple. Answer the questions and then use the email below to send in your answers. Make sure that you put your forum name down, with the answers.


You can find the answers in the game, on this website and over at Lucasarts.com



1st: Lucasarts T-Shirt & 1000 forum points

2nd: 500 forum points.



May the force be with you.....





1) What is the max population limit on Galactic Battlegrounds?



2) How much carbon does the A-Wing fighter cost?



3) What cheat do you type in the reveal the Death Star?



4) Name the other RTS title that Garry Gaber worked on?



5) How many civilisations are there in Clone Campaigns?



6) How much Nova does a Jedi Knight cost in Clone Campaigns?



7) Name the flying unit built in the fortress for the Confederacy



8) Did the AT-AT walker have Anti-Air capabilities in Galactic Battlegrounds?



Copy and paste the above into an email and send the email, with your answers to:






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Guest DarthMaulUK

this has been extended due to the forums being down....you have until Wednesday to get your answers in!




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Guest DarthMaulUK

running behind. I am moving house this weekend and my only access to the net is currently @ work, where I do not have the answers.


There's only a couple of correct answers and once my broadband is installed sometime next week, I will be able to announce the winners.


Wont be long



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