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Planar UVW mapping


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Hindy: what do you think of the tut so far? Any problems? Anything you think I should change? I only have 1 final to study for (probably over the weekend sometime) so I'll probably get a little more done. I'd like to at least have the entire Unwrapping section finished A.S.A.P. But I'm open for input to what you think might help others out that may download it once it's released.

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Yeah I couldn`t open it, the file kept causing illegal ops... Sorry I haven`t posted but deadlines are getting tight so I just used the Steed method for now...


Cheers anyways and I ll have another go when its released or I could just try a different pc

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couldn't open it....hmmmm....I was having a heck of a time zipping the files. Crap. Sorry about that. I think I'm 95% finished with the unwrapping section. I'm doing the touch ups to the mapping, and then laying out the final skin. If it stays quiet around the office, I could probably finish it today. If not today, then certainly tomorrow before my lunchtime. In which case I'll see if I can get hosting for the file. Fileplanet maybe. Even though I don't like fileplanet, it's the easiest method for me to get this out to whomever wants a copy.

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Let me know when it is sorted as Im still interested. I v sort of developed my own approach to the "Steed" method but always ready to try a new or different technique..


I think this thread is well and truely closed.... Thanx for the help guys

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