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GTK problem...


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doods this sucks! ok heres the thing, i made this really big room, then i put some crap in it, like i made a lil walkway... n i put a platfor in it (though that part isnt ther anymore) and i put "bleachers" on the sides... well they're really just lil platforms on the edges of the room that serves the purpose of bleachers... anyway, my point is... none of it works. my walls n stuff all work... but the rest doesnt. i go right through them like they're not even there! its strange.. i tried retexturing, then i tried caulking all of it, then reretexturing, then i got frusturated and deleted it all and redid it completely, still, i go right through it... any help is appreciated! thx.

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ok now that i have that fixed (thanks again), i've kept going and run into another problem... i'm trying to make a platform that goes from one place to another, across (well, half way across) the room, over some lava... i have everything the way i want it but i cant make the platform work... i know w/ the func_train, u can do that sorta stuff, but i want it so it just sits there until someone gets on it, then it moves. i worship whoever feels like wasting the time to help me out, here. thanks again, again.

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