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Originally posted by ET Warrior

Any idea atall where that woman was at? In a town?


I think it was near Suran.. Don't know.


Anyways Im an outlaw now, no one can kill me, even the guards, I have a staff that paralises and I just hit them and batter them till they die. And I got a Glass Claymore worth 32000 gold! :D

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Originally posted by AcrylicGuitar

Also, I have this one weapon, I think its called the Katana, and Its supposedly the best blade in the game. :confused: My cousin got that for me too.


Daedric Dai-Katana, isn't it? My prime Wood Elf character has that one too (I have serveral characters). I've enchanted it to do frost damage too, so now it does about 70 frost damage at each strike in addition to the weapon damage.


I think it was near Suran.. Don't know.


She's actually quite far from Suran.


I'm not totally sure where she is. However, I know that she is on a road, and that road is somewhere between Caldera and Gnisis. And I'm pretty sure she wants to get to Gnaar Mok, so she is north of there at least. And if you find a Nord who has lost Cloudcleaver, you aren't far away.


Can't remember any more, I'm afraid.

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