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The Obvious Plot of MI5 - prequel - duh

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I think the obvious plot for MI5 is a prequel. I'm pretty sure this is what Ron GIlbert had in mind. We are all MI fanatics so we've all read the interview on mixnmojo if you habven't you should. Ron left lucasarts after the second game - and I think from that point on the games have gone downhill - as Lucasarts games have been prone lately.


The plot would start right where Monkey island 2 left off. Though I seriously doubt Guybrush coming to Melee island to become a Pirate is a good enough end point for the game.


Another obvious plot twist that Ron probably wanted to try was - Elaine is Guybrush, and LeChucks sister - duh - this coinsides with Lucas and left to his own devices (when Ron left) he screwed up that plot line too with the marriage.


I think the game would constantly flash back to the youth - where you'd get to play the past and influance the future - thisis probably why Day of the Tentacle so heavily relied on this. They were testing the continuity and the programming to make sure it was possible for the REAL MI 3 that never came.


Well I'd love to hear everyones thoughts and hell screw lucas - I think we should make the real number 3 anyway - we've got the tools - we can rip a lot of the artwork - lets do it - you know we as fans can do it better than they can anyway.


If anyones interested email me - patrickkrebs@yahoo.com


Afterall I abandoned the idea that 3 and 4 were ever really a part of the actual plot anyway - time to go geurilla on Lucas......Booya!


-Patrick Krebs

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Okay, what? What the hell makes you think that fans with very little programming ability can create a better game than say CMI (unless you're thinking of a game of SMI and LCR standards, but even then, it would be hard). the best adventure game made without a licensed publisher is Pleurghburg - Dark Ages and that is still not as good as the kind of games Lucas arts could come up with, Full Throttle, the first monkey island, DOTT, san and max and so on.


Okay, also, you say all this about Elaine being their sister and all that. Where the hell did that come from? If you're referring to the mixnmojo interview, I don't remember any of that, care to link us to what you're referring to, or are you just making it up. Also, where did Ron have a prequel in mind? If I remember correctly, all we know about his version of mi3 is that Guybrush and Elaine never get married, apart from that, I don't know anything else.


Then again, Ron’s version of MI3 is incredibly different to the one that's out, with the name on it, which is for sale, with the Lucas arts logo and everything. Just because its' not the same person writing it doesn't mean it's not part of the saga, this is what they came up with, live with it. Just because Ron or you have a different opinion about how it should go doesn’t mean everyone has to listen to you and do it.


I personally loved CMI, and so did many other people, but that's just my opinion, Ron left, others came in, Ron didn't finish the saga, other people did, live with it.

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Hahahah - That got heated quick...


First off - Since you are omniscient source of knowledge and have ranked the quality of all game made without a licensed publisher I'm glad to hear you've come up with a number 1. heh.


The Elaine thing was just the next step in a thought process of plot developers... I can only speculate but it seems to fit the pattern of LucasArt Development.


1) Falls in Love with Chick

2) Bad guy is Brother

3) Chick is both's sister


in number 2 change the word brother to father and you've got a starwars mirror.


You ever wonder why Elaine is so pivitol to the plot at every turn of the game and she always pops in out of nowhere because shes off doing her own thing, whilst adventuring too, but for some reason always knows wen Guybrush is in trouble.


Anyway I loved Curse of monkey island too - but lets face it I loved it because i had gone like 4 or 5 years without a new monkey island.


And I know plenty of people who can program much better then the people at Lucasarts - who by the way don't have to program much because of the propriatary software they use.


ANYWAY - I'm extrapolating information and forming unique ideas - since we can only speculate - this is all anyone can do - unless your Gilbert.


So try contributing positive ideas, rather than shooting down other people's...thanks.

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I think this project is highly plausible, and I can't wait to see the final product. I personally know at least one million programmers, and each one of them is a billion times better than any of the programmers at LucasArts. Also, I'd love to see the legal reaction to the ripping of backgrounds, and I can't wait to hear the exciting storyline, read the thousands of lines of witty, thought-out and correctly spelled dialogue, which will only be enhanced by the beautiful original music and the throughly logical and highly satisfying puzzles.


I'm sure that each character will have their own highly amusing personality, and be animated and drawn brilliantly. I wish you luck in forming a bright, enthusiastic team that will be committed so much to this idea that they will simply hand over two or three years of their lifes to you, in order for game quality to be assured. I am expecting the finished project will be, of course, 'Just how old Ronny intended'.

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ok, patrick:


1) MAJOR hypocrite. you're the one who's shooting down other people's ideas! what the hell are you talking about? and btw- i know that i'm shooting down your ideas as well, but at least i didn't say that nobody should.


2) what would elaine being a sister have to do with anything? siblings don't have "they're in trouble" things in their mind, as in mental connections with their siblings. plus, just because she pops in when he's in trouble doesn't mean a thing. this is something called a computer GAME, which means that it was programmed and that there is no meaning in her popping in, she has no spirit, she cannot make decisions for herself, this is the programmers. so when she pops in, it's the programmer's decision b/c thats how they want it to go. she doesn't have magical powers that make her appear when you're in trouble, it has no special meaning like "they have a mental bond that helps each other when they're in trouble".


3) sarcasm and crap from a newbie? not exactly the thing that'll necessarily get you liked by many people around here.


and 4) judging from the fact these are the first posts of yours that i've seen, you're a newbie to me. you should consider that me not welcoming with my newbies thing is a major insult.

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Okay, time to break this down.


Originally posted by Patrickkrebs

Hahahah - That got heated quick...


First off - Since you are omniscient source of knowledge and have ranked the quality of all game made without a licensed publisher I'm glad to hear you've come up with a number 1. heh.


Because the very words I said was 'I know everything, all must listen to me and only me' I am very well aware that there are other people out there with very different opinions to mine and I am not trying to force my beliefs upon you, as I think I said at the end of my last post, or did you not get that far?


Originally posted by Patrickkrebs

The Elaine thing was just the next step in a thought process of plot developers... I can only speculate but it seems to fit the pattern of LucasArts Development.


1) Falls in Love with Chick

2) Bad guy is Brother

3) Chuck is both's sister


In number 2 change the word brother to father and you've got a star wars mirror.


You ever wonder why Elaine is so pivotal to the plot at every turn of the game and she always pops in out of nowhere because she's off doing her own thing, whilst adventuring too, but for some reason always knows when Guybrush is in trouble.


Okay, as you said right there, you can only speculate, but in your first post, you seemed to give the idea that you knew for sure that that was the idea that Ron was thinking all along, a lot of theories went flying around after the MI2 ending but in the end, nothing became conclusive enough as to state what something is but only, what it could be. and I think we all got the Star Wars parallel at the end of MI2, but that simply means that the developers were going for a quite simple joke, I really don't think that they would want to draw out a joke this far as it would simply just be stretched and we'd become bored of it when it actually came to the whole Elaine is his sister thing. Then again, this is just my opinion, you never know they may have been thinking that Elaine should be his sister, I don't know, but then again, neither do you, not for sure.



Originally posted by Patrickkrebs

Anyway I loved Curse of monkey island too - but lets face it I loved it because I had gone like 4 or 5 years without a new monkey island.


well, that was you, I personally loved the game for many more reasons than that, good casting, brilliant new music, nicely rendered backgrounds and character animation that fitted in with the whole thing as well as the most important thing, which was the story behind it, the story may not have been what Ron wanted to do with the story, but you can't say that it was a bad story just because of that, it's like saying that EFMI was bad because of its blocky graphics, as that was just one bad point of the game


Originally posted by Patrickkrebs

And I know plenty of people who can program much better then the people at LucasArts - who by the way don't have to program much because of the proprietary software they use.


As you and Scabb said, there are much more talented programmers out there, only I don't think any would actually be willing to risk a lawsuit in order to do this game.


Originally posted by Patrickkrebs

ANYWAY - I'm extrapolating information and forming unique ideas - since we can only speculate - this is all anyone can do - unless you’re Gilbert.


Very true, or at least all most. Remember, Ron Gilbert is not god; he is the same as you or me. I am currently writing an MI fan novel about how I think MI5 should go, this is my idea, I’m not saying this is how everyone should think, this is just how I think, and it's more of a suggestion to others than anything else. Ron would do the same thing if he got his hands on the rights to Monkey Island and you are also doing the same thing. Yes, we can only speculate, but then, that's all Gilbert can do as well.


Originally posted by Patrickkrebs

So try contributing positive ideas, rather than shooting down other people's...thanks.


Sorry if you think I’m shooting down your idea, please, go right ahead, hire yourself a programmer and artist and create this thing if you want, I’m not going to stand in your way and I’m not going to say that it would be a stupid idea as I am sure many other people have thought about it at one time or another, including me.


Originally posted by Scabb

I think this project is highly plausible, and I can't wait to see the final product. I personally know at least one million programmers, and each one of them is a billion times better than any of the programmers at LucasArts. Also, I'd love to see the legal reaction to the ripping of backgrounds, and I can't wait to hear the exciting storyline, read the thousands of lines of witty, thought-out and correctly spelled dialogue, which will only be enhanced by the beautiful original music and the throughly logical and highly satisfying puzzles.


I'm sure that each character will have their own highly amusing personality, and be animated and drawn brilliantly. I wish you luck in forming a bright, enthusiastic team that will be committed so much to this idea that they will simply hand over two or three years of their lifes to you, in order for game quality to be assured. I am expecting the finished project will be, of course, 'Just how old Ronny intended'.


In other words, if you did go through with this, this is the kind of standard expected of you as most Monkey Island fans are looking for all of this, so if you think you can deliver all of that, then again, go right ahead. I am simply just giving my opinion, take it or leave it if you want but this is just my opinion.

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Its ok to go ahead and give your opinion - but these forums are for fun and are for fans to delight in a common bond - Monkey Island which will always be one of the best adventure games of all times - we can all agree on that.


I was speculating because thats what this forum is for speculation.


So instead of alientating people try to encourage them...

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Well, sorry to make you so "unwelcome", as may have been suggested in my earlier posts (I'm usually the one handing out the gift baskets, so don't think of me as some kind of an ogre or anything) but I'm a firm believer that these forums are here to, yes, speculate, and yes, to "delight in a common bond", but they are also here for open opinions, as you have said. If I have an opinion, no matter what I say, there will always be someone who'll disagree with me at some point, and it's the same with everyone. This is a discussion forum, and that's very simply what I am doing here, discussing, also, i didn't say that here you couldn't speculate, just don't make your speculations out to be true.


If you are willing, then I am also happily willing to put this "dispute" behind us and not let it alienate us from each other.






And as a sign of good faith, here, have a Welcome Basket, welcome to the MInet forums, enjoy your stay (this isn't a stupid joke, this is something I tend to do to all newbies, sort of a tradition now, you watch, someone will be around with some blue milk soon enough :D)

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I just find the general story a load of garbage. I find it unlikely that they would have tried out the past/present thing in DotT purely to see if it would work in MI3. Furthermore, while Ron Gilbert *might* have wanted the true MI3 to be a prequel, your story and a lot of the ideas behind it are just, well, stupid. The ending of MI2 was, IMHO, the end of the story and I an a firm believer of the theory that the Secret of Monkey Island was that Monkey Island never existed - that it was the imagination of a young boy, and that LeChuck was Guybrush's brother Chuckie sent my his parents to find the missing kid. MI2 leaves off with Guybrush's imaginary adventure ending, and that's that.


While a prequel might work with this, I feel that some of the ideas sugegsted in this thread are ridiculous - Elaine being Guybrush's sister? Puh-lease. It doesn't work. It might fit in with the standard Lucas storyline of garbage, that it doesn't fit in with the MI story. Ron GIlbert used Star Wars lines (or parodies of them) at the end of MI2 because it was funny and it worked for the storyline. End of.


Your ideas, however, are not.

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The "Monkey Island isn't real" secret is arguably the secret of both SoMI and MI2. As for the CMI secret, I know that one. It's that CMI was a bit pantslame if you ask me. Story-wise it didn't meet me expectations for a sequel. Still, Ron Gilbert wasn't involved, so it's alright.

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