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Whoa whoa whoa... What's going on here?


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Hm well I guess it won't work. Let me describe it to you. In the 3D view window in Radiant it shows a wall, you can't see through it. Once I compile it, however, when I look at that same wall in game I can see through it and onto the room's contents. I've tried making it into a structual brush but to no avail. Could you lend me your ideas?

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This comes as no surprise to me. I have had the same problem (actually still have). Let me guess: The wall is not a simple, drawn block but it has been clipped?


The only way around this is, as far as I know, to delete the offending brush, build a new one and texture it again. Maybe the situation could be handled by editing the .map file in Notepad, but I haven't bothered to consider that option. To speak the truth, I haven't even looked at the .map in text form to see, if the brush looks weird or something.

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Well, I can tell you another oddity from my own map. I have two identical brushes, because they are the original and a one cloned from it using space bar. The original is all fine and shows the texture all right, yet the clone, that has just been moved downward, is not showing its texture and is thus transparent (and gives a HOM, because there's little behind it).


If somebody still says computers are logical machines and do just what you tell them to do, I would say... I don't know what. Maybe the worst case scenario is that neighbouring brushes have something to do with this. I have recloned and retextured this one brush till I'm sick of it. Other offending cases I did get rid of the way I explained above, but not this one.


Sorry that I can't help you any more than that.

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Originally posted by Leslie Judge

If you, guys, use q3map2 to compile you should try posting on the Splash Damage forums, ydnar goes there regurarily.

You know, Leslie, I would love to use Q3map2, and I did use it as long as it was possible. But at one point when my maps grew over some limit (?) Q3map2 started loosing textures or shaders. Of course I could download the newest version and see if things have got any better. Thanks for the heads-up!


But until that Shotokan is abolutely right: "...figure out later..." That has worked perfectly so far :)

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