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Serious Art

Bob Gnarly

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come one just a place where you can discuss serious art stuff, please dont post if your gonna make a joke or say something unrelated.


well i got into art i think when i was 7.... not really sure, then i got really into it at age 10 and now i love sketching and making abstract painting/drawings. Currantly im into abstract stuff more then anything but i really also like taking photos. my fav. music videos are Seven Nation Army White Stripes...if youve seen the music video youd understand, i also like Red Hot Chili Peppers Can't Stop and Pearl Jams Evolution music video there all really good. Anyways i plan on getting better in photoshop because as of now im not very good in it, i mean i can do basic stuff but not everything.


my fav artist has to be Georges Seurat(1859-91) he did amazing Pointillist paintings.


and my fav painting is "Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Gra" i hope to own it when i get older


yeah its from the contacts commercial:rolleyes: :p

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well, i studied art for a year in school, i always loved art.

i used to paint quite much, but i don't have much time now, i mostly panted abstract stuff. I like conceptual art as well as surrealism, my favotie artists are René Magritte and Marcel Duchamp.

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hmmm Rene Magritte isnt my cup of tea, im not really into surrealism, but i have a friend that love sthat kind of stuff, her work is more of a man meets life around him.


Unless a picture shocks, it is nothing. -Marcel Duchamp


that has to be my fav quote, Marcel Duchamp has a strange concept on art though, im not a fan but i love his quote.



i also forgot another amazing artist Erwin Wurm, whos art was mentioned in the music video cant stop, his art inspired that amazing music video.

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so right now i have to find a beautiful scenery for my final art exam and im wondering if anyone knows any goood pics, what we will be doing is cutting a square form the whole pic and drawing a completly diff scenery for the square we cut out

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