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Weird problem, HELP!


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Ok... this may sound completely stupid to most of you but yeah I'm new to the whole JO editing but an old vetern with JK and Jed...


... my problem is this. I make the map, compile it using BSP(VisFull) all in JK2Radiant. I start the game up in MP, go in the console, type "devmap offworld" this being what I called the bloody thing and yes there is an "offworld.bsp in "GameData\Base\Maps" and it just says "Can't find map maps\offworld.bsp" and I cannot figure out why the hell not. I even made just a 512x512x512 box and it couldn't do it... Any idea why?


And yes... I'm including spawn points. :p

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I believe you need to have a simple script called a .arena file. Just make it in Notepad and save it in the GameData\base\scripts directory.


For example:


map "Offworld"

bots "Kyle Desann"

longname "Offworld"

fraglimit 10

type "ffa"



Oh and be sure your map has a Worldspawn entity in it. It should include the Key: Message and Value: Offworld

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Oh, everything is working great today... to the point where I felt ok enough to start up on SP.... didn't feel like remaking the MP level as of yet.


I keep having the reoccuring problem with door sizing though.... how many units minimum should they be wide and tall? Kyle can never fit through mine when standing but they are either as tall or taller than him.

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eh, my current project which is a fairly nice size is compiling in just under a minute so I don't mind :-P


As far as the Info_Player_Start I did do that... that would make sense but it's just a big pink rectangle but I still sized the door to be the size of it plus two units taller... you still have to crouch to get through... am I missing something? Do doors have to be like over 64 units talls or something?

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