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Lightsaber directional combos..


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Alright, I know lightsaber combos like DFA, red stance lunge, etc.. but does anyone know a place that has the directional moves? Someone said something like up left left down left or something in yellow stance to do something or another.. I dunno. I know there are directional combos with red stance and stuff, like linked swings depending on the direction your holding, just don't know where to find them..


Any help?



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Well, I've mastered the yellow satnce, and I think you're talking abut a corret combination of upwards and downwards diagonal slashes, they are done by simply pres left/right+forward/backwards, there's combos that kills once done, that requieres a special secuence.as an example when someone fails a dfa you can chain him 4 - 8 hits and run of his way before he finish the move, one great combos to counter DFA is: when the oponent is still in the air chain two yellow hits by one side, then lunge from rear so you cant get kicked and when he start to stand from the move yo already started a red diagonal hit, this is one of the easyiest(SP?) combos that I know, cause there's just 5 hits, but its normal fail one of the 2 yellows and depends of your oponent's stand up is if you really hit the final red one.

the others, more complex and "killers" are keep by most players as "secret" that's cause they're hard to find on internet, and are rarelly shown on public servers (at least my case).

but most important of all COMBOS ARE NOT A DEFAULT SEQUENCE, they are improvised in the moment and its almost impossible to make a guide of how to do it, but there are basic statements.

Blue can get a lot of sequences by horizontal and diagonal slashes (not sure the number cause I'm not familiarized(SP?) with it). the yellow can chain up to 8 hits after become "useless" (correct me if I am wrong, I'll get surprised if someone knows a +8 hits combo), I only use the red to apply the final hit or to inflict mayor damage, but I don't know any chain combo for it.

hope this helps and that you undestood my poor english.

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You know...when you give advice, please speak up if you're using something else than an unmodded 1.04.


It's useless for a 1.04 player to hear about 1.03 "kikazz backstabbing", 1.02 yellow combos that go on forever or DFA's where you can turn in the air.

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

You know...when you give advice, please speak up if you're using something else than an unmodded 1.04.


It's useless for a 1.04 player to hear about 1.03 "kikazz backstabbing", 1.02 yellow combos that go on forever or DFA's where you can turn in the air.

my above post is unmodded 1.04, I'll keep that it in mind for future posting.

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