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I need serious help...


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Help, plz???:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:



I need serious help. I can't play online. I went to play it on the zone, I registered, it d/led the things I needed, started my own room, I wanted to play against bots, so I launched afterwards, with no people(Exceptfor me, of course:p). It didn't work. I cant exactly remember exactly what it said, so I can't help anyone there, but thats just because I have to get ready for school now. I should be back by anywhere from 2 to 4:00 west coast time, and I'll have exactly what it said

Thnx in advance. :D



Somebody holds the Guiness World Record for largest condom collection...why in gods name would you collect condoms???


Ninjas with afros, EGADS!!!

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