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Ok this maybe a duh question, and I'm new to mapping...


I have a button which triggers a lift. However when I go to press it, it (the button) moves in a direction opposite me (very little) without me actually hitting the use key. The lift works just fine. I feel like I got the hardest part of making lifts, but cant make a frikin decent button.


Does it have to do with:


1) a button shader?

2) func_usable?

3) trigger?


OK, I will try all three, but figure I could use the feedback. Thanks fellas





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However when I go to press it, it (the button) moves in a direction opposite me (very little) without me actually hitting the use key.


The button is moving because of your trigger settings. In the entities window for your trigger check the "USE_BUTTON" box. This will get your desired effect. Good luck.:cool:

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Well, did what you guys said but still the button is being "pressed" in the opposite direction of me without me actually using the button. It just presses when I come near it.


I think my problem is with triggers sadly enough. My button is linked to my lift, and thats it. I was not aware that I need a trigger_multiple... Where should I put it - around the button and then link it to the button? But then my button is linked to my lift allready. And assuming I put the trigger right, which I know I did not, what facing should it be?


Ok, I need a tutorial on triggers!!!!


Thanks fellas,



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